File a Travel Insurance Claim
Need to make a travel insurance claim? Want to know the status or see correspondence regarding your claim? You can easily file a claim online below, as well as access claim forms to help expedite your claim process.
What you will need to make a claim:
- Description of the loss
- Name of the company that arranged the trip
- Trip dates
- Purchase date and amount paid
- Proof of loss and any receipts
- Preferred claim disbursement methods
- Click here for an Insurance Claims Checklist
If you have any questions or need assistance in filing a claim, feel free to contact the claim administrator at:
Zurich Travel Claims Administration
1-844-799-0331 (within US and Canada)
1-416-945-9802 (worldwide collect)
8:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Eastern, Monday - Friday
Important: For claims filed before July 1, 2024:
If you filed a claim before July 1, 2024, and would like to inquire about the status of your claim, contact your claim administrator at the following:
Why would I need to file a claim?
In the event your flight is delayed, you miss your connection, sustain a serious injury, become severely ill while traveling, or can’t even leave for your trip, you can file a claim to activate your travel insurance benefits.
By filing a claim, you are telling your travel insurance provider that you endured a financial loss from your trip. Depending on your travel insurance plan, you can receive reimbursement for incurred costs or other forms of support where relevant.